Week 4

In Week 4, we learned about two assessment tools,  Bloom's Taxonomy and Webb's Depth of Knowledge.

Bloom's Taxonomy was the assessment that I was able to understand the best and would use while writing objectives in my lesson plans. Using the visual attached with verbs to use in those categories really help me visual and understand what falls into each level. We also discussed rigor. Rigor does not mean making tasks difficult, but just what you want your students to learn. 

Webb's Depths of Knowledge (DOK) follows an order of complexity similar to Bloom's Taxonomy. Level one is recalling, level two is about skills and concepts, level three is strategic thinking and level four is extended thinking. When I first learned about DOK, I was confused on how to apply this towards younger students especially with DOK 4, but after further instruction, I could have younger students design a play about a book we read as a class or create a different ending. 
